Chasing the Sun up the TN State Capitol

June 30, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

I chased the sun all the way up to the Tennessee State Capitol Building - snapping pictures along the way. The goal was to arrive at the capitol RIGHT BEFORE the sun went down. I really wanted to take advantage of that golden hour light to capture some detailed shots of the historic building.

BUT I had a problem. I was quickly running out of time.

I misjudged the distance of my walk and found myself in an awkward half walk, have run situation trying to chase the sun.


I did my best to frame up a couple of wide shots as I was en route. Here's a few...

State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville 20210629-BDB0257520210629-BDB02575

Notice the color of the building. It appears white in these photos. The bright tungsten spotlights underneath the building hadn't yet turned on and the sunlight was still neatly diffused behind the clouds. 


Unfortunately for my legs, the capitol sits on a gigantic hill. The quickest way to get up the hill is to hike up the mountain face. The slower but way less exhausting method is to use the steps off to the side. Considering I had just come from HOT YOGA, the capitol hill was beginning to resemble Mount Kilimanjaro IMO. Therefore, I took the path of least resistance - AKA the stairs. It ended up being the best choice creatively because I was able to snag this shot...
State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville There it is! The yellow brick road to my destination. You can really see the golden light peaking out from the clouds and illuminating the capitol building on top of the hill. I was anxious to get up there - taking two steps at a time. 


After an exhausting climb, I finally made it. Just in time too! I circled the building and took a variety of Wide, Mid, and Close Up shots. Here a few of the wide shots...

State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville

State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville

The Sun had just about set when I took these. The golden light of the sun mixed with the tungsten spotlights coming from down below almost turned the building into a orangish/redish color. I did some minor color corrections but nothing crazy. I love how the building pops against that soft sky in the background. Once I nailed the wide, I moved in for more detailed shots. Take a gander...

State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville State Capitol - NashvilleState Capitol - Nashville

Being a history nerd myself, I've always appreciated historic buildings. Construction on this one started in 1845 but it wasn't finished until 1859. FUN FACT - the architect, William Strickland, died before the building was complete. Since he considered this building his crown jewel, he was actually buried on the north facade of the Capitol. I've heard rumors that this building might be haunted. Maybe I'll go back late at night and try to catch some orbs - who knows!! 


My adventure chasing the sun up to the Tennessee State Capitol was a success. I got the close detailed shots I was hoping for and also got in a baby workout climbing those steps!! Until next time...stay creative!

PS. You can purchase prints of any and all pictures you see on my site!! Just click on the pictures and follow the prompts!


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